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Santiago Diaz
Santiago Diaz

Rubik 39;s Cube 3x3

How to Solve the Rubik's Cube 3x3

The Rubik's Cube 3x3 is a cube-shaped puzzle that consists of six faces, each divided into nine smaller squares of different colors. The goal is to twist and turn the cube until each face has only one color. It may sound simple, but it is actually a very complex and challenging puzzle that requires logic, strategy, and patience.

rubik 39;s cube 3x3

The Rubik's Cube 3x3 was invented in 1974 by Ernő Rubik, a Hungarian professor of architecture and sculpture. He originally called it the Magic Cube, but it was later renamed after him when it became popular worldwide. The Rubik's Cube 3x3 is one of the best-selling toys of all time, with over 350 million sold as of 2018. It has also inspired many artworks, films, competitions, and variations.[]

Solving the Rubik's Cube 3x3 has many benefits, such as improving your memory, problem-solving skills, concentration, creativity, reflexes, and confidence. It also keeps your mind active, reduces stress, and enhances your sense of accomplishment.[]

In this article, I will show you how to solve the Rubik's Cube 3x3 using a simple and easy method that anyone can follow. You don't need to memorize a lot of algorithms or formulas, just a few basic moves and tips. By the end of this article, you will be able to solve the Rubik's Cube 3x3 in no time.

Step 1: White cross

The first step is to make a white cross on the top face of the cube. This means that you need to have four white edge pieces (the ones with two colors) arranged in a cross shape, with the white side facing up. To do this, you need to look for the white edge pieces on the bottom layer of the cube and move them to the top layer using the following steps:[]

  • Find a white edge piece on the bottom layer of the cube.

  • Rotate the bottom layer until the white edge piece is directly below the center piece of the same color as the other side of the edge piece. For example, if you have a white and green edge piece, rotate the bottom layer until it is below the green center piece.

  • Rotate the side face that contains the white edge piece 90 degrees clockwise or counterclockwise, depending on which direction will bring the white edge piece to the top layer. For example, if you have a white and green edge piece on the left side of the bottom layer, rotate the left face 90 degrees clockwise to bring it to the top layer.

  • Repeat these steps until you have four white edge pieces on the top layer, forming a cross shape.

Don't worry if the side colors of the white cross don't match with the center pieces yet. We will fix that in the next step.

Step 2: White corners

The second step is to find and place the four white corner pieces (the ones with three colors) on the top layer of the cube, completing the first layer. To do this, you need to look for the white corner pieces on the bottom layer of the cube and move them to their correct positions on the top layer using a 4-move sequence. Here are the steps:[]

  • Find a white corner piece on the bottom layer of the cube.

  • Rotate the bottom layer until the white corner piece is directly below its correct position on the top layer. The correct position is where the three colors of the corner piece match with the three center pieces around it. For example, if you have a white, green, and red corner piece, rotate the bottom layer until it is below the white, green, and red corner on the top layer.

  • Use the 4-move sequence to move the white corner piece to the top layer and orient it correctly. The 4-move sequence is: right face clockwise, top face clockwise, right face counterclockwise, top face counterclockwise. You may need to repeat this sequence several times until the white corner piece is in its correct position. For example, if you have a white, green, and red corner piece on the front-right side of the bottom layer, use the 4-move sequence on the right face to move it to the top layer.

  • Repeat these steps until you have four white corner pieces on the top layer, completing the first layer.

Congratulations! You have solved the first layer of the Rubik's Cube 3x3. Now you can move on to the second layer.

Step 3: Second layer

The third step is to find and place the four edge pieces (the ones with two colors) on the middle layer of the cube, completing the second layer. To do this, you need to look for the edge pieces that do not have yellow on them on the top layer of the cube and move them to their correct positions on the middle layer using two algorithms. Here are the steps:[]

  • Find an edge piece that does not have yellow on it on the top layer of the cube.

  • Rotate the top layer until the edge piece is above its correct position on the middle layer. The correct position is where the two colors of the edge piece match with the two center pieces around it. For example, if you have a green and red edge piece, rotate the top layer until it is above the green and red edge on the middle layer.

  • Use one of the two algorithms to move the edge piece to the middle layer and orient it correctly. The algorithm you use depends on whether the edge piece needs to go to the left or to the right of its current position. For example, if you have a green and red edge piece above the green and red edge on the middle layer, and you need to move it to the left, use the left algorithm. If you need to move it to the right, use the right algorithm. The left algorithm is: top face counterclockwise, left face counterclockwise, top face clockwise, left face clockwise, top face clockwise, front face clockwise, top face counterclockwise, front face counterclockwise. The right algorithm is: top face clockwise, right face clockwise, top face counterclockwise, right face counterclockwise, top face counterclockwise, front face counterclockwise, top face clockwise, front face clockwise.

  • Repeat these steps until you have four edge pieces on the middle layer, completing the second layer.

Well done! You have solved the second layer of the Rubik's Cube 3x3. Now you only have one more layer to go.

Step 4: Yellow cross

The fourth step is to make a yellow cross on the bottom face of the cube. This means that you need to have four yellow edge pieces arranged in a cross shape, with the yellow side facing down. To do this, you need to use an algorithm that flips and rotates some of the edge pieces on the bottom layer. Here are the steps:[]

  • Look at the bottom face of the cube and see how many yellow edge pieces are already in a cross shape. There are four possible cases: no yellow edge pieces in a cross shape (dot case), two yellow edge pieces in a line shape (line case), two yellow edge pieces in an L shape (L case), or four yellow edge pieces in a cross shape (cross case).

  • If you have the dot case, hold the cube with any side facing you and perform the algorithm: front face clockwise, right face clockwise, top face clockwise, right face counterclockwise, top face counterclockwise, front face counterclockwise. This will change the dot case to the L case.

  • If you have the line case, hold the cube with the line shape horizontal and facing you and perform the same algorithm as in the dot case. This will change the line case to the cross case.

  • If you have the L case, hold the cube with the L shape in the bottom-left corner and facing you and perform the same algorithm as in the dot case. This will change the L case to the cross case.

  • If you have the cross case, you can skip this step and move on to the next step.

Good job! You have made a yellow cross on the bottom face of the cube. Now you need to align the yellow edges with the center pieces.

Step 5: Yellow edges

The fifth step is to align the yellow edges with the center pieces on the bottom layer of the cube. This means that you need to have four yellow edge pieces matching with the four center pieces around them. To do this, you need to use an algorithm that swaps and rotates some of the edge pieces on the bottom layer. Here are the steps:[]

  • Look at the bottom face of the cube and see how many yellow edge pieces are already aligned with the center pieces. There are three possible cases: none of them are aligned (no match case), one of them is aligned (one match case), or all of them are aligned (all match case).

  • If you have the no match case, hold the cube with any side facing you and perform the algorithm: right face clockwise, top face clockwise, right face counterclockwise, top face clockwise, right face clockwise, top face twice, right face counterclockwise. This will change the no match case to the one match case.

  • If you have the one match case, hold the cube with the matched edge piece facing the back and perform the same algorithm as in the no match case. This will change the one match case to the all match case.

  • If you have the all match case, you can skip this step and move on to the next step.

Great! You have aligned the yellow edges with the center pieces on the bottom layer of the cube. Now you only have four yellow corner pieces left to solve.

Step 6: Yellow corners

The sixth step is to position the yellow corner pieces on the bottom layer of the cube. This means that you need to have four yellow corner pieces in their correct positions, but not necessarily oriented correctly. To do this, you need to use an algorithm that swaps and rotates some of the corner pieces on the bottom layer. Here are the steps:[]

Look at the bottom face of the cube and see how many yellow corner pieces are already in their correct positions. There are four possible cases: none of them are in their correct positions (no match case), one of them is in


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